Austin McBeth
Coach. Author. Speaker. Teacher.
The Story

First off, I wanted to say thank you for interest in my book. For those of you who don't know my story, I am from Wayland, a small town in Iowa. I was fortunate to get to play for Coach Fred Hoiberg at Iowa State University during his first three years as head coach. During that time, I learned a lot about the game from what I consider one of the best offensive coaching minds in the game.
During the Christmas break just before 2017, God gave me this radical idea to write a book. The reason it was radical, and the reason I know it was from God, is because I have never pursued writing and didn't really enjoy reading either. I spend a large majority of my time as an assistant coach working with my players on spacing and understanding how to move with and without the ball to get great shots. So, it made sense to put this information somewhere that other people could benefit from the knowledge I've been given. I just never in my life would have thought I would ever be writing a book!
The Gap Theory is a concept that I made up after taking what I learned from Coach Hoiberg and continuing to grow in my understanding of offensive principles. I DID NOT make up any of these concepts, I just believe God has given me the ability to communicate and teach - so I wanted to bless people with the understanding I have acquired.
My desire is that coaches, players, basketball enthusiasts, and even parents who coach their son or daughter's 5th grade club team could learn from the concepts in this book and be able to develop great basketball players from this information.
Part of the vision that God gave me for the book is to allow the reader to see real game examples of everything that I talk about. In the book you will see that there are QR-Codes all throughout the book. Inside of each one of those codes is a link to a video that will demonstrate what you're reading about. To access those videos, all you need to do is download a QR-Code reader from your iPhone App Store, or Google Play and you will be able to pull those videos up right on your phone or tablet. Simply, put your phone over the code and it will send you to the link. They are YouTube links, so you can watch them as many times as you'd like - or show them to your players or other people.
Lastly, along with the free download, I would like for you to have my email address. Please e-mail if you have any follow-up questions, or comments. My hope is to answer anything that is unclear or even be able to take a look at your team's games and provide feedback of how you can improve on these concepts to become a better player/team! I will do everything in my power to respond to each and every person who reaches out to me.
This game has brought me so much joy, and the opportunity to make incredible relationships and share the love of God with dozens of people. I hope that this book blesses you, helps you learn, and allows you the opportunity to experience the joy of giving to others like it has for me! God bless you, and thank you for your interest in my book. Good luck!